Metaphysical Healing: An Intro
When we use the word “metaphysical”, what do we actually mean?
If you grew up in the 80’s and 90’s, you probably heard certain people and practices being described as “new age”, “psychic”, or lumped all together as “witchcraft”. If you were brought up in a conservative home, these terms were probably spoken like bad words: but they’re not! The spiritual world is real, and you are part of it. There’s no reason to be afraid of it!
It’s more common to hear the word Metaphysical now to describe the practice of opening up to the spiritual world, being in commune with it, and practicing habits and exercises that help to keep us open to it. Webster’s defines the word metaphysical as this:
a type of philosophy that uses broad concepts to help define reality and our understanding of it. Metaphysical studies generally seek to explain inherent or universal elements of reality which are not easily discovered or experienced in our everyday life.
There are a whole host of ideas, practices, and modes of healing all under the term Metaphysical. There are people who practice reiki, tarot, channeling, tea leaves, Akashic records, astral therapy, acupuncture, or just general psychic guidance. But each one of these modalities is not meant to tell you the future or convince you to choose one path over another: it’s to help you access your inner self in a deeper way. It is believed, across all practitioners and modalities, that the answers you are looking for are inside of you, already!
There are also all kinds of tools to help you along the way: from crystals, books, and herbs to oracle cards, jewelry, and incense. Most stores that carry these items call themselves Metaphysical Supply Stores (like us!), and you can usually find an interesting array of products to help boost your mental, physical, and spiritual health. Additionally, many of these items can help you in setting up a meditation space, a calming environment, or an energetically pleasing home.
The Metaphysical world is a mix of ancient practices and wisdom wrapped up in new modalities and understanding. The same types of crystals lining the shelves of metaphysical stores were the ones sought out in forest and riverbeds thousands of years ago, to be used in exactly the same way: healing, and understanding.
If this world is new to you: welcome! You probably are reading this because something has piqued your interest about the metaphysical world. Maybe you keep hearing about chakras or reiki, or maybe you have realized how deeply connected your physical body is to your spiritual health and would like some tools to help you target and heal certain areas. Whatever brought you down this path, follow it. The universe shows up for each of us in different ways and at different times, and you are exactly where you are meant to be. We’re glad you’re here.