Shop The Store
A metaphysical store that supports your personal journey of self-discovery.
Dive in to your favorite subject or scroll down to learn more about what we offer.
Temporary tattos, bindis, henna.
Totes & Bags.
Charms & Medallions.
Crystal Tiaras.
Bejewel yourself.
Journals to discover yourself.
Stickers to express yourself.
Personal development books.
Games and puzzles to play.
This is where you are authentic.
Made just for you by Mother Gaia.
Every color imaginable.
Sizes vary.
Unlimited energy.
All available for adoption.
Body - Mind - Spirit.
Captivate your energy.
Aromatherapy and essential oils.
Teas, apothocary or tinctures.
Be an energy influencer.
Castle or cabin it's your safe space.
Candles to soften.
Boxes to keepsake.
Statuary to revere.
Make it your own.
Wear something meaningful.
And beautiful.
Necklaces, bracelets, rings.
Each one speaks your truth.
Go adorn yourself.
Divination - Intuition - Psychic
Natural abilities to be used.
Tap into the knowledge.
Enhance with practice.
Read the signs.
Rituals - Smudging - Clearing
Create the alter.
Clear the energy.
Set the intention.
Vibes are flying high.
Vibration the universal language.
Purity of sound and frequency.
Obsorbed by the bones.
Heard by the heart.
It all starts in your energy field.
Just For You
Mykal's Selections of the Month
My favorite day is when new books, oracle cards and tarot decks arrive at the store. Here are my selections for the month.
Oracle of the Month
"The Illustrated Crystallary" ORACLE Cards and Guidebook
by Maia Toll