Mykal Harp

Mykal Harp
Certified Master Hypnotic Coach
Intuitive Energy Healer
Mentor & Teacher of Holistic Energy
Mykal specializes in healing and mentoring Starseeds (read below to find out if that is you) through their human experience and reclaiming their right to a healthy, abundant and joyful life.
Healing includes releasing current fears, anxiety, emotional triggers, past life trauma, ancestorial DNA healing or any physical or emotional healing that is required to find peace and allow your energetic bodies to be in healthy energetic balance.
As the new energy streams to Earth it awakens those that are Starseeds. It also shines the light on anything that isn't in alignment with the light creating an internal struggle of confusion, loneliness and a deep knowing that they have a purpose they are here to do. Many with this deep knowingness is still confused about exactly what they should be doing.
The number one objective of humanity right now is to heal their energetic bodies - including the emotional, mental and etheric energetic bodies that create your physical body.
You may wonder if you are a Starseed - if you have asked yourself the question, then probability is that you ARE. Only Starseeds would have the self-awareness and reflection to ask such a powerful question of themselves.
Starseeds usually:
- Feel 'different' from others, even their own family and friends.
- Experiencing an event (such as an accident, loss of a loved one, or near death experience, or general 'awakening') where they become profoundly aware, potentially leading to a personality shift.
- Have a greater awareness of other's manipulation (although this might happen later in life with moments of self-awareness).
- Generally feel alone or lonely, even confused about their role.
- Don't feel like they have anyone to talk about the 'strange' things that they experience.
- Have questions trying to understand why they are here and what their purpose is.
- Feel like they have something to do even if that isn't clear at the moment
- Has had unusual experiences that haven't been easy to express to others due to fear of being labeled "strange".
- Unusual dream activity and sleep patterns - either waking up more often or sleeping more deeply.
All of the above symptoms could have been throughout their entire life, or since their 'awakening' - an event that created a profound internal shift.
Starseeds tend to be drawn to Mykal's powerful energy and her role is to heal and mentor those that are here to lead the way for the continued awakening.
Mykal's powerful approach is unique to each client, in response to their energy and needs.
She has been trained in the use of both the conscious and subconscious mind, along with her intuitive energy healing, creates a transformational shift where you can experience relief and lightness within your life.
It's very common to have more profound revelations of your life and purpose. Many clients have found that where they might have felt 'stuck' before, suddenly things are moving and their purpose is revealed.
Sessions revolve around resolving anxiety, fears, emotional triggers, or any emotional or physical symptom by letting go of the past and clearing current beliefs that hinder the natural flow and connection between body, mind and spirit.
Mykal answers questions and can explain the current shift affecting the world. Most importantly, she grants you the clear energy to embrace life and live your mission with compassion and acceptance.
Mykal has studied the Universal Laws of Energy and how it can work to our advantage. After years of experimentation within her own life she has gained wisdom - especially from her failures! She is a master manifestor and loves to teach others how to allow the energy to support them in a life they too can love.
Everything she does has been guided by her own spiritual team that she relies on to create a safe space for clients to relax and connect to their soul essence. With compassion and acceptance of where we are in this moment.