Embracing Curiosity: The Baby Phoenix

Yes, I'm still talking about the phoenix energy - stick with me here....
This is not a fleeting moment, dear ones, but an evolution we are all experiencing.
Each day brings new revolutionary realizations about what it truly means to be in this transformative energy.
Let's get real - the phoenix bursts into flames (!) and is reborn.
It's like seeing the Death or Tower card in a tarot reading - a symbol of great shift in life.
And too often, when things aren't going as we hope or expect, we tend to blame ourselves. "What am I doing wrong?" we ask.
Believe me, I know this struggle intimately. I've been walking this path, questioning my every step, wondering if I'm headed the right way or if I've gotten lost - because all the usual road signs seem to be missing and I feel like I'm stumbling around in the dark.
But finally, I'm understanding a profound truth - it's not that we're doing anything 'wrong.'
Rather, it's because we're doing everything right that this final shedding is happening.
And let's be honest, it's not easy to release everything - even when we know it's for our own good.
So let's talk about how we can make this journey easier on ourselves. Let's look at this process with new eyes and see what wisdom we can glean.
Imagine, dear ones, a world where curiosity reigns supreme, where the weight of expectations falls away like autumn leaves, revealing the vibrant, ever-growing tree of your true self beneath.
How often have we heard the stern voice of society telling us, "If you start something, you must finish it"?
But what if we could embrace the wonder of a child, picking up life's toys with unbridled enthusiasm, free to explore without the burden of expectation?
Picture yourself as a young child in a vast playroom of existence.
You reach for a shiny toy - perhaps it's a new hobby, a relationship, or a career path.
You turn it over in your hands, eyes wide with fascination.
Sometimes, you might set it down, drawn to another glittering possibility. Other times, you might play with it for hours, lost in joyful discovery.
There's no judgment here, no voice telling you that you must commit to this toy forever.
You are free to return to it whenever your heart calls, or to leave it behind as you grow.
It's crucial to remember, beloved souls, that the expectations and self-judgments we carry are often not our own.
They're hand-me-downs from a world that sometimes forgets the power of play.
We've accepted these heavy coats of "should" and "must," wearing them even when they no longer fit.
But what if we could shed these layers, standing naked in our truth like a newborn phoenix?
Ah, the phoenix - what a powerful metaphor for our journey - still!
I've been walking this path feeling the old structures of my life crumble to ash.
As I sit here, a newly hatched being amidst the warm coals of transformation, I'm making a sacred vow.
I choose not to automatically reclaim the burdens and expectations that once clipped my wings.
Instead, I'm allowing that phoenix flame to burn away all that no longer serves - the outdated programming, the limiting beliefs, the shoulds and musts that kept me small.
For our true selves, dear ones, yearn for freedom. They long to soar unburdened by the weight of our own or others' expectations.
These old beliefs are like heavy chains, restricting us from the effortless flow of alignment, where resources and resolutions come to us as naturally as breath.
So here I am, a tender phoenix chick, setting my intention to remain curious.
To be free of expectation.
To live in the exhilarating moment of discovery, allowing my true self to guide me without the confines of human limitations.
I invite you to join me in this rebirth.
Let us burn away the old boxes that once contained us.
Let us grow our new, iridescent feathers of freedom - feathers that shimmer with possibility, that catch the winds of change and carry us to unimagined heights.
Remember, beloved souls, you are not bound by the stories of your past.
You are a being of infinite potential, always free to choose again, to play again, to soar again.
Embrace your inner child's curiosity, and watch as the world transforms into a playground of endless wonder and possibility.
Mykal Harp, CMHC and Metaphysician, is a Certified Master Hypnotic Coach and a devoted student of metaphysics. She is dedicated to applying metaphysical principles to heal and enrich lives. Her passion lies in helping others interpret the significant messages behind both physical and emotional symptoms, guiding them toward genuine healing. Through her intuitive guidance and unique energy-shifting techniques, Mykal empowers clients to discover their inner truth and live authentically. Her work inspires a personal journey of self-discovery, creating rich tapestries of authenticity, freedom, and joy
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