Fathers, Forgiveness & Freedom

Fathers, Forgiveness & Freedom

Father’s Day is a special time to honor and celebrate the men who have played significant roles in our lives. Whether it's our biological fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers, uncles, mentors, or any father figures, this day gives us the chance to appreciate their love, guidance, and support.

As we celebrate these men, it's also important to acknowledge our journey of self-reflection and healing from childhood wounds.

It's rare to come out of childhood without any emotional scars from our parents. Even the most loving parents have moments when their words or actions unintentionally cause us pain.

Forgiveness is often misunderstood, yet it is essential for personal growth and healing. It's not about condoning or excusing someone's actions; rather, it's about freeing ourselves from the weight of resentment and pain.

This Father's Day, let's delve into the transformative power of forgiveness, exploring how it helps us heal wounds related to masculine energy.

Through self-compassion and intentional practices, we can move towards healthier relationships and a more balanced sense of self. 


Personal note:

My personal journey of forgiveness and healing dealt mostly around my father who passed away a couple of years ago. He wasn't a bad man, he was just a consequence of his own upbringing. But there is no denying I had a lot of inner child wounding from our relationship. 

The most powerful thing I've ever done is find complete healing around this relationship. It only took me 55 years - every decade it seemed I uncovered another layer that required attention - but when it was complete it worth every tear I shed and now I stand strong in complete love and acceptance of him and myself.   

See below for a picture :)



Forgiveness as Self-Healing

When we forgive, we're not saying that what happened was right or acceptable.

Instead, we're choosing to release the negative emotions that hold us back. Forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves, allowing us to move forward with our lives without being weighed down by past hurts.

Compassion and Healing

Forgiveness is closely linked to compassion. When we forgive, we're extending compassion to ourselves and to the person who hurt us. Compassion is essential for healing because it allows us to see the humanity in ourselves and others, despite our flaws and mistakes.

Moving Towards Healthy Relationships

Forgiveness is also key to building healthy relationships, especially with masculine energy. When we forgive, we let go of expectations and resentments, allowing for a more authentic connection based on mutual respect and understanding.

A Healing Ritual for Forgiveness

This Father's Day, consider engaging in a forgiveness ritual to release any wounds related to masculine energy:

  1. Set Your Intention: Start by setting your intention to forgive. Write down the person or situation you're forgiving and why.

  2. Visualize Forgiveness: Close your eyes and visualize yourself releasing the hurt and anger associated with the person or situation. Imagine them surrounded by light and send them love and compassion.

  3. Write a Letter: Write a letter to the person you're forgiving, expressing your feelings and your decision to forgive. You don't have to send the letter; the act of writing can be cathartic.

  4. Release and Let Go: Burn the letter as a symbol of releasing the past and letting go of negative emotions. As you watch it burn, visualize yourself being free from the burden of unforgiveness.

  5. Practice Self-Compassion: Finally, practice self-compassion. Treat yourself with kindness and understanding as you continue on your journey of healing and forgiveness.


Forgiveness is a powerful tool for healing ourselves and our relationships with masculine energy. By choosing to forgive, we free ourselves from the chains of the past and open ourselves up to a future filled with love, compassion, and understanding. This Father's Day, let's embrace forgiveness as a path to healing and wholeness.

I can look at this picture and only smile - where 10 years ago I probably would have cried for what I viewed as a lack of connection with this man.

Now, I only smile for my silly antics (yes that's me by his side) and I have a full realization of how he did his best while he was alive.

In fact, as I type this I feel him by my side (he's not crazy about sharing this picture but he is much more allowing now than when he was in physical form, so I can get away with it!).

Lots of hugs to all of you fathers and fatherly figures, Mykal

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