MYKAL'S FAVORITE OF THE WEEK: Tarot Kit for Beginners by Llewellyn, & Janet Berres

Tarot Kit for Beginners by Llewellyn, & Janet Berres
I'll admit - I always use Oracle cards more than Tarot but I decided I needed to learn more about Tarot.
Tarot cards always use the same main layout of Major Arcanas and Minor Arcanas. Traditional tarot like these have the four elements as represented by different articles.
This kit was perfect for me to get the basics down. This is essential to really experiencing tarot.
Just learning what each of the four elements represent is key in being able to read these cards easily. The cheat sheet is what I really appreciate as I can quickly glance at it when my memory is flagging.
As you get used to the representation you start to see the patterns. Glancing at a card and just feeling into it and noticing what comes up for you is key in following your own intuition as you are learning.
Play with the deck. Learn with these basics and you won't go wrong!
A key deck for those who are ready to ground the basics of Tarot reading.
Tarot Kit for Beginners
by Llewellyn, & Janet Berres
More and more people are drawn to the Tarot for its captivating artwork and uncanny ability to guide us toward personal insight. Yet, newcomers often feel intimidated by this historic divination tool. Llewellyn's Tarot Kit for Beginners is designed for those who wish to embark on the exhilarating journey of Tarot reading.
Packed with wisdom and knowledge acquired by accomplished Tarot practitioner Janet Berres, the enclosed guidebook also explains the basics, such as choosing decks, deciphering card meanings, and working with spreads. Readers will learn the history of Tarot, the traditional structure of the deck, and the truth behind common Tarot myths. This kit also includes Lo Scarabeo's Universal Tarot, an ideal deck for beginners.
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